Near Death & OBE Contact
Some people when brought back to life experience
Near Death Experiences. Some
claim to travel down a tunnel others recall life events and other see loved
ones who have passed. This is what we refer to as Near Death Spirit Contact.
The loved ones appear as they did in life, some surrounded by a white glow.
Spirits will usually try and lead the person back to their body, they will
let you know that it is not your time to die and you must return. When the
person in brought back they recall seeing loved ones and remember conversations
and even vivid images of a place some report as a beautiful park, others
report seeing a bright white light, almost blinding.
As with Near Death Experiences, some people report seeing loved ones during Out Of Body Experiences. Unlike an NDE, a person having an OBE is usually aware they are not dead. Spirit contact in a OBE is not as common as with NDE's but they are reported. People claim to see and communicate with relatives in a park, the beach, or any place they could possibly imagine. The biggest difference is that OBE's can be experienced without the fear of death and can sometimes be controlled. It may be possible to return at will to the place you saw your deceased loved ones. Some people believe that OBE's and NDE's are not possible and write them off as Lucid Dream (we will touch upon them in another section) or hallucinations. I believe Spirit Contact through OBE's and NDE's is entirely possible and are happen to many people. More people report spirit contact with NDE's than OBE's because the average person having an OBE is unaware they can reach spirits in their state. If you can control an OBE then all you need to do is think of anyone and it is possible to contact that person.